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May 21, 2020

NuVuX Global Challenges: Quarantine Cookbook

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NuVuX Global Challenges: Quarantine Cookbook

NuVuX Global Challenges is an ongoing series of challenges for students ages 4 to 18 to share experiences, stories, and ideas, while creating a positive impact in the world through design. Each challenge addresses a theme, giving students the opportunity to address current issues in the world in different ways. This week's challenge is Quarantine Cookbook.

Quarantine Cookbook Challenge

From learning to cook family recipes for the first time to experimenting with new foods, people around the world are rediscovering the joys of cooking while we’re all stuck at home. What have you been eating during the shutdown? Are there new recipes you’ve discovered or cooking techniques you’ve perfected? How has the importance of food and cooking changed for you?

For this challenge, create a time lapse video (90 seconds max) of your dish being created in the kitchen.  You can film yourself cooking, cook with another member of your household, or cook with a friend over video chat-- possibilities are endless!  Parents, cook with your kids! Kids, cook with your family members and friends! Choose your video style and create your timelapse. Submit with the recipe for your dish (written or drawn) and your response to the question: What is this dish and why is it important to you? 

Winners will be featured in NuVu’s digital “Quarantine Cookbook” to be released in Summer 2020!

All proceeds will benefit Off Their Plate, a grassroots organization working to provide nutritious meals to frontline COVID healthcare workers and economic relief to local restaurant workers who have been affected by the crisis.

How Do I Participate?

  1. Choose a recipe
  2. Create a timelapse video (90 seconds max) of your dish being created in the kitchen (points for style and creativity!!)
  3. Submit your timelapse video along with your recipe, and your response to the question: what is this dish and why is it important to you? 
  4. Bonus: Submit your blooper reel

How Do I Submit?

  1. Submit on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter by tagging @nuvustudio and by using #NuVuXGlobalChallenges. In the text of your post, please include your first name, school, age, and the city and country you are posting from.
  2. If you prefer to submit by email, title the email “Quarantine Cookbook” and send your entry to with your first name, school, age, city, and country.

Need inspiration? Explore the presentation at the top of this post to get ideas for your project.

What Happens Next?

After each challenge, we will feature the most creative entries in our newsletter and across our social media platforms. Challenges will be ongoing, and different prizes for the best submissions will be announced and awarded along the way. Towards the end of the 2020-21 school year, a grand prize will be announced for three exceptional participants.

For NuVu’s partners and friends around the world, we ask that each of you share this call for entries with your respective schools and student networks, and to support our shared goal of bringing innovative education and learning to diverse groups of students around the world.

Happy Cooking!

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