All students arrive by 8:55 AM and are ready to dive into their current studios at 9. The first two hours of each days are devoted to studios, and from 11 AM to noon, students have the flexibility to focus on supplemental coursework, seminars and workshops or to simply continue working on studio projects.
Students have a break for lunch from 12-12:55 PM. Some students bring lunch, while others walk to one of the nearby cafes and restaurants. During this break, students often take advantage of the opportunity to get outside and socialize with one another.
The last block of the day runs from 1-2:50 PM and is devoted to studio work. Students might learn new technical skills, receive feedback, or focus on prototypes that will lead to their final projects. Coaches provide structure and guidance to ensure that all students have the support they need at any given moment and clarity about how to keep moving forward.
At the end of each 3- to 4-week studio session, we have a round of presentations to share the great work that students have done. Students explain their learning process and show off the results, receiving a final round of feedback from peers and coaches.
At the end of the term, we invite families, outside experts and other guests to celebrate the projects that students have completed. Through presentations and science-fair-style conversations, students engage with the community and share their work.